Some common misconception about foundation repair is the guarantee of a stable foundation upon the construction of a home. While a reputable construction company will install the foundation to the best of its ability, it won’t always be able to prevent damage from occurring. In this article, learn the difference between foundation repair and foundation leveling. Learn the role foundation repair companies play in foundation creation and maintenance, and the life of a home’s foundation.
Foundations are the backbone of your home. They protect your home against moisture, escaped air, extreme temperatures, and changes in the terrain. The earth is constantly moving. There is no way to guarantee that a foundation can prevent all forms of damage from occurring. However, thwart your foundation from falling apart, and give your home a chance to last through the years.Ā
When the crew constructs your home, the ground is graded and leveled to keep the pressure applied to your foundation equal. While foundations settle over time, inconsistencies can grow between different areas of your home. These inconsistencies can become dramatically different over time due to the conditions surrounding the foundation. In reality, foundation repair is foundation leveling. Foundation leveling means leveling the concrete where the foundation sits. There are about two methods to complete this task.
Push piers find popularity among home contractors for their speedy installation. A hydraulic press pushes them into the ground for quick installation. Push piers prove ineffective for smaller homes as they thrive under heavy structures made of brick and steel. Contrarily helical piers have been around for 100 years and are more effective with larger homes and buildings. They originated from homes built in sandy regions, making them ideal for coastal locations. They screw into the ground creating a solid foundation.Ā
The early stages of construction are critical to prevent foundation decline. Creating drainage, grading the ground, and seeking a land survey will prevent your foundation’s downward spiral over time. The construction company you hire will need a foundation company. If you have a say, select a foundation repair company that uses the piers of your choice. Reach out to a company specializing in push pier or helical pier installation.
Honesty is key. There are no guarantees that your foundation will remain intact throughout the lifetime of your house. Helical and push piers offer solid foundations, but they need proper installation. A home built on weak soil, improper grading, or poor pier installation will not last. A foundation repair company cannot simply fix cracked concrete slabs without addressing the main problem. Your home may need french drains, a sump pump, or reinstallation of piers. Concrete repairs will not last without a leveledĀ foundation. Locations such as Eastern North Carolina have softer soils making foundation leveling necessary. If you live in eastern North Carolina, callĀ Atlantic FoundationĀ for helical pier installation and proper foundation repair.Ā
Difference Between Foundation Repair and Foundation Leveling | A-1 Engineering